Online Learning Games for Kids are a great way to build the skills that kids need to be successful in school.
These educational games for kids make learning fun with math facts, language arts, and much more.
Kids enjoy learning with instructional games. Children can learn with language puzzles, multiplication flash cards, mathematics addition facts, and more to make their learning experience enjoyable and fun.
Learning Games For Kids Typing
6th Grade Learning Games
Wish educational games which make learning more fun for preschoolers up to middle school kids? You have come to the ideal place!
LGK includes the following segments, each using its own subsections and/or lists of games and other online actions:
- Animal Games -- amphibians, birds, bugs, mammals, ocean animals, reptiles, randomals
- Educational Songs & Videos -- PreK-K, science songs, slow movement science, science experiment videos
- Health Games -- allergies, parts of the body, dental, remaining healthy
- Art & Music Games
- Math Games -- K-5th (with tier), addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, randomath
- Preschool Games
- Vocabulary Games -- analogies, antonyms, compound words, definitions & context, contractions, foreign languages, homophones, idioms, parts of speech, suffixes & prefixes, syllables, synonyms
- Spelling games -- arcade games, spelling fun, short vowels
- Graphic Organizers -- math, vocabulary, writing
- Alphabet Games
- Word Games -- hangman, unscramble, word search
- Literature Games -- 10 names from Huckleberry Finn to Wuthering Heights
- Geography Games -- by area & randography
- Social Studies -- a couple of units such as Benjamin Franklin
- Brain Games
- Printables
They'll be adding new educational games often so be certain you come back and check us out frequently.
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